This "Tiny Coffee Routine Tweak" 
Has Completely 
My Life and My Body

I Already 
Drink Coffee,
So I Don't
Have to Change 
My Routine


My mother aged so gracefully...even as a grandmother she was stunning. My husband used to always say, "Want to know what a woman will look like when she is older, look at her mother." I always believed that I would age gracefully, as my mother did, and so did he. Well, one day he just quit saying that.  

Up until I was forty-five, I maintained my body pretty well. What they don't tell us about turning 40 is that our bodies start to react differently to the food we eat. Forty is when I saw the numbers on the scale start to climb. First, it was just a little but gradually it became a lot. I didn't even really realize it was happening, until one day my mom put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans. I realized I hadn't been able to wear them in years. The simple fact that an 80 year old woman could even wear them was humiliating.😭 I let her have them because who was I kidding....I had completely lost any hope that I would ever fit into them again.

One day my grandson told his sister that I needed a Band Aide because my arm hurt. I didn't know what he was talking about until he pointed out the loose skin under my arms flapping back and forth as I waved good bye to his dad. He though the sagging skin was some kind of injury. I had to inform him that those are grandma's bat wings... here is just one of many hurtful comments, that my grandkids would make. I know they didn't know what they were saying, but it still stung.

WHY had I let myself go so much?

Once my grandkids started making comments about how big I was, I knew I had to do something. I tried every fad that came along...from Keto to Cross Fit...Name it, I bought it. I can't even add up all the money I spent trying to get my issues under control. Thousands...And with everything I ...I deprived myself of foods I loved...and I was always HUNGRY😡

I finally began calling all these eating plans..."Expiration Eating"... Why? Because I knew before I even tried them that they were not going to last. Everyone of them had a very short shelf life...Why? Because I love food plain and simple...

Why is it that some people can eat whatever they want and not gain? What kind of body chemistry do they have that I don't have? I had been searching for years for the answer to the question...

I just couldn't figure it out...

That was until my daughter-in-law Christee, sent me a very loving email about how much she appreciated me and everything I do for the kids. It was so thoughtful, I couldn't help but sob...I knew I could be such a better grandmother if I could actually get up and play with my grandkids. 
I was reading the email at Starbucks and I couldn't help but start to cry...crying in public...

At the bottom of the email, she wrote

"P.S. There is no better grandma in the world...oh, by the way, my mom told me to send the attached video, she said it really helped her with her struggles.

When I saw the video I thought it would be just like all the others I had seen...but the video she sent one was actually very different. The people in the video were going through the EXACT same struggles I had (even donating all their skinny clothes to a shelter). It helped me understand how I could become one those women with a body chemistry that allowed them to eat the foods they loved without having to shop at Lane Bryant. Like my own mom.

Why couldn't I have found the information sooner? I always knew coffee was great for digestion, but I had no idea what else it could do for me...

Well, better late than never! Because I now have a closet full of skinny jeans to choose from. My grandson now calls me "Insta Gram" because he says..."Grandma instantly got skinny!" Insta Gram 🥰 has so much energy than I am sixty-five going on forty-five! I don't recognize myself in the mirror, (I am always looking at myself now). And the best part is my husband is saying that I'm aging gracefully again!

Being so large and miserable, without hope...was hard...

Believing there was actually something that could transform me after everything I tried...was hard...

Being still, without distractions, and listening to a video was hard... I chose the video kind of HARD...

When people ask me how I did it...I show them the video below⬇...and the rest is history....simple

Before you watch the video, I sincerely ask that....

   Please share the video with only those who will really benefit from it the most.

Please use these tips in a responsible manner; Losing too fast is not healthy for the body. So use       
this 30 Second Morning Routine in moderation, to get to where you want to be in a healthy, safe and sustainable manner.

Enjoy the transformation...

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